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Command type

Command Type

type Command interface {
    Run(ctx AppInterface) error

To implement the Command interface you need to create a struct with a public Run function that returns an error.

For example:

type ExampleCommand struct{}

func (*ExampleCommand) Run(_ cli.AppInterface) error {
    fmt.Println("This is the default command")
    return nil

This approach allows for more complex implementations like the following example using flags

type options struct {
    destroy bool
    add     bool
    change  bool

type ExampleCommand struct {
    Name: string 

func (c *ExampleCommand) getOptions() *options {
    cmd := flag.NewFlagSet(c.Name, flag.ExitOnError)
    greet := cmd.Bool("greet", false, "Should the cli greet the user")
    return &options{
        greet: *greet,

func (c *ExampleCommand) Run(_ cli.AppInterface) error {
    options := c.getOptions()
    if options.greet {
        fmt.Println("Hello World")
    return nil